Thursday, July 28, 2011

2 Thessalonians 2

This chapter is Paul assuring the Thessalonians that Jesus has not returned yet and left them behind... apparently there were rumors going around that Jesus had swept in, grabbed a couple folks and then went back to heaven.

The rest of the chapter is a mystery to me.

Paul talks about a "Man of Lawlessness" which I assume is his way of referring to the Anti-Christ. But he says that there is some force restraining this man from coming and poisoning the world.

I had no idea what Paul was talking about, so I went to my commentarys to try and get an answer... but none of them had any idea either. Augustine didn't know and neither did Mark Allan Powell. Both of them are smarter than me, so if they don't know, then I am not afraid to admit that I have no clue what Paul means.

So there is my blog for today...

I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. And that's what we love about you! That you admit that you don't know :)
