Thursday, July 21, 2011

1 Thessalonians 3

Verse 12 "May the Lord make your love increase and over flow for each other, and for everyone else..."

Paul is giving a blessing to the Thesalonians... he is praying for them.

If he could pray for just one thing for this community of believers it is this, that there love for each other would increase. I'm not sure I have ever prayed that prayer for anyone... but how I wish I had.

This short verse tell us something that we have forgotten... love is a living organism. Love can grow like a child grows to an adult. Or maybe it would be better to compare love growing from an adult to a child. Children are better at loving than adults, they are less judgmental and more trusting. (which isn't always a good thing, but it works as an image in this case)

But love does not grow on it's own. It needs help.

It needs trust, patience, forgiveness, and sacrifice. But most of all, it needs God.

Because God is love.

My prayer for all of you this morning is that your love would increase for everyone in your life... and that your love for life itself would increase.

Thanks for the reminder Paul.

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