Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1 Thessalonians 2

Verses 11-12 "For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God..."

Paul uses tha anology of a father when writing about his relationship with the church in Thessalonica.

Father language is all over the bible. It is mostly used in reference to our relationship with God. But in recent years many scholars have suggested that we stop refering to God as father because a lot of people have had bad, abusive fathers. (At this point I need to admit that I have been blessed with a wonderful father that has always sacrificed for his children.)

I disagree with those scholars... we should not allow human failures to change the way we understand God. But we need to realize that God is more than just a father... he is bigger, much bigger than that.

But God does have the characteristics of a good father, according to Paul. Paul believes that good fathers encourage, comfort and urge their children to live Godly lives.

All 3 are possible only when a father truly loves a child. Many fathers are good at discipline but not at encouraging and comforting while many others are trying to be their children's friend, they encourage and comfort but offer no correction. Not to say that these fathers don't love their children, but there is room for growth!

That is why law and gospel must be preached together. The law corrects while the gospel comforts and encourages.

But God does not use the belt on our behinds. Instead Jesus took our punishment on the cross. He sacrificed for His children.

Because God loves His children without end.

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