Tuesday, July 19, 2011

1 Thessalonians 1

This is a letter from Paul to the church of the Thessalonians and the first chapter is Paul complimenting them on how they are doing/being church.

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of the first worship for Abiding Grace Lutheran Church... it has been an unbelievable year. I think that if Paul was writing us a letter, he would start it like he did this one.

He says in verse 8 "your faith in God has become known everywhere."

I think that the greatest compliment we have received came from the member of the local Methodist church. She was in worship and her pastor used Abiding Grace as an example of what a church should be doing. The only reason we heard about it was because she is the friend of one of our members.

Why have we been successful? Our faith has produced work and our love has prompted labor.

And God has worked through us.

We could not make Abiding Grace a success, only God could.

But we could have screwed it up...and we still can.

And we will, if we stop doing what got us here.

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