Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Matthew 7

Verse 1 - 3 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged... Why do you look at the speck of saw dust in someone else's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

I think that Christians are really good at reading the bible with a highlighter in one hand and a black sharpie in the other. This, of all the verses in the bible, seems to be the one that is most often blacked out. Many Christians do not want to acknowledge that this verse in the bible.


Because it is fun to judge. It is fun to have something that other people don't, it's fun to be forgiven while others aren't. So we make signs and buy billboards that tell people that they are going to hell as if it is our decision to make.

I've seen signs that condemn gay and pro-choice people. I've seen signs that condemn soldiers. I've seen signs that condemn anyone that doesn't adhere to the 10 commandments. I have seen signs that condemn people for making signs.

These signs condemn every person on the earth... because we all fit in on someone's sign.

The truth is that grace is not just for you or me, it is for everyone. Jesus didn't just die for believers, he died because "God so loved the world."

The world is a big place... it's full of all kinds of people; fornicators, homosexuals, pro-choice people, pro-life people, Democrats, Republicans, people on welfare, people with jobs, citizens, immigrants, people with health insurance, people without health insurance, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians and more... and God loves them all.

And whether you like it or not, it's up to God where they go when they die.

So burn your stupid sign and open your heart.

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