Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Matthew 4

Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness where he is tempted by Satan. The devil tempts Jesus on a number of levels.

First he tempts Jesus by pointing out his human need to eat something. Is there a better way to control people than to control their food? I was able to train my dog to sit because I controlled his food. I personally make decisions with my stomach all the time. When I visit a new city I am mostly interested in what the best restaurants are. Food is power.

Second he tempts Jesus by taking him to the top of the temple and encourages him to jump off and test God. I think that this is one of the temptations that many people are struggling with today. God has promised us so much with grace and eternal life. If I am forgiven than what does it matter if I ___________ ?

Finally Satan tempts Jesus by offering all the kingdoms of the world... he tempts his ego. What I find interesting here is what Jesus doesn't say. He doesn't say to Satan that it is not his to give. I find myself wondering if Satan has more control over this world than we know.

Jesus is able to overcome all 3 temptations. I probably would have eaten the bread and taken the kingdoms. (I would have no interest in jumping off a building though)

That's why I worship Jesus... he can do what I can not.

And he did it because I can not.

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