Friday, November 4, 2011

Matthew 6

Matthew 6 has one of the most comforting verses in all the bible... Jesus said "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

Everyday our world gives us a new reason to worry...

Stocks go down, then up, then down.

There is always a new disease that's going to destroy civilization. (Swine flu, Bird flu...)

What if ______ has nuclear weapons?

Global warming.

The price of gas.

The value of our homes.

Teachers are being laid off at our kid's schools.

Is our company going to out source?

The list could go on and on for days. It's normal and natural to worry... I worry about a lot of things.

But what good does it do? My blood pressure goes up and I get tension headaches... how does that help?

I think instead I am going to adopt a new policy. I am going to ask God what He is worried about and how I might work to ease His mind.

I have a feeling that if we were a little more worried about the things God is worried about, then we would have a lot less to worry about in our own lives.

We would see the world in a new way.

Take it away Johnny and Willie.

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