Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Matthew 10

Verse 42 "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is known to be my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly be rewarded."

It's easy to say that only those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven, there are many verses in the bible that lead us to believe that. So we spend our time and energy trying to get people to believe in Jesus... so they too can go to heaven. But Jesus seems to think bigger than we do.

He tells his discples that anyone who shows you the slightest sign of compassion will be rewarded. Rewarded with what? What else did Jesus come for but to give eternal life?

Does that mean that we should become universalists and believe that every person goes to heaven because they are nice at some point in their lives?

No. It means that every one that has ever gone to heaven has gone there because of Jesus.

Who gets in and who is left out is up to him. Maybe, just maybe he is better at grace than us. Maybe he thinks bigger than we do.

Maybe we should stop worrying about heaven and start worrying about those who don't have any water to drink.

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