Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Matthew 13

Jesus has been traveling around teaching and healing. He has been all over Judea and has gained quite a following. In chapter 13 he finally heads back home, where he is not greeted with any acclaim.

Instead the people say "Isn't this the carpenter's son?"

In essence they were saying "We know you, we know who your father is and you are nothing special."

Sometimes the thing that we are looking for is right under our noses. It's so close we can't even see it. Have you ever looked all around for your keys or phone only to realize that they are in your hand?

I feel bad for the people that knew Jesus as a kid. That were so close to him that they could not grasp the enormity of his life and death. He was too close to them.

Maybe, for those people that don't believe, Jesus is too close to them. Maybe they can't see that love, grace and forgiveness are all around them. Maybe they are looking for a burning bush when God is holding their hand.

If God is love, then God is close.

Closer than we can imagine.

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