Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Matthew 14

Jesus hears that John the Baptist has been killed and he is looking for a place to mourn. Then 5,000 people surround him, each looking for something from him.

Jesus feeds them. It's a miracle how many he feeds with so little, but that's not what I am thinking about today.

This past week I was with a family that lost a loved one. There was sadness and there was laughter. There was love and there was food.

Sometimes it's not about what we are eating but who we are eating it with. Food tastes so much better when it is eaten in the presence of our loved ones.

Jesus could have sent the people away, but he didn't. He found comfort in the crowd, in the relationships. He needed to be around them, to hear their stories, to laugh with them and to cry with them.

Thanksgiving is great; we set aside a whole day to eat with those whom we hold dear... We re-connect and catch-up.

Those relationships are the treasure of our lives.

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