Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Numbers 32

The Israelites have been wandering for 40ish years and are ready to put down some roots... they are ready to be home. A couple of the Israelite tribes (the Gadites and Reubenites) think that the land they are passing through is good enough and are ready to build cities. Moses agrees to let them live there if the men continue on and fight with all the Israelites for the promised land.

In the past 8 years I have moved 12 times. I felt like a nomad, like a plane that has been circling an airport for a decade. I couldn't wait to have a place to unpack and finally be able to throw the boxes away.

But all my moving was for a reason. I was following the call that God has placed on my life. A call that is bigger than me. It was a journey through the wilderness of corporate America, seminary, camp, CPE, internship, and finally here, to Southlake, Texas. How long will I be here? I have no idea... 3 years? 30 years? I'm not sure because I still must follow God's call.

In my journey I have come to realize that home is not a place... Home is about the people you are with. For the first 30 years of my life home was wherever my parents were. Now, home is whenever I'm with my wife Michelle.

And I have always been home when I'm in the presence of God.

Nothing feels better than being home.

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