Friday, September 9, 2011

Numbers 23

Balaam is telling Balak what God has told him... and it's not what Balak wants to hear. In verse 12 Balaam says "must I not speak what the Lord has put in my mouth?"

Some days I don't want to hear what God has to say... because I know it's not what I want to hear. God usually has hard things to say.

But here is the truth, if you like your friends to be enablers then God is not going to be a good friend. Because God is not concerned with what you think is best, God is concerned with what He knows to be best.

We are used to people telling us what we want to hear. We hang out with people that look like us and talk like us and say similar things to us... and if people disagree with us then we just discard them and move on. How many friends do you have that you argue with all the time? Probably none.... or one but they have been your friend forever and maybe you don't really like them anymore but they are like family.

God is not going to agree with you. God calls you to agree with Him.

And it's hard, because we are spoiled, we are comfortable in our little clans. We like our own ideas.

But God is thinking bigger... which means we need to think bigger. It means getting outside of our comfort zone. It means listening to what God says.

It means saying things that other people don't want to hear.

It means loving those who are unlovable.

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