Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Numbers 25

I was on facebook yesterday when I came across a post from my dear friend Cory. He quoted someone lecturing about Jewish ethics that read, "it it's not fun, it's not sin."

In Numbers 25 the Israelites are sinning. They are indulging in sexual immorality with Moabite women. So God strikes them dead.

The bible says that the wage for sin is death. We sin, we die.

So why do we sin? Why do we do anything that could lead to death?

Why do we eat steak and pizza and french fries when we know it will kill us? Death tastes better.

Why do we drink alcohol when we know what it does to our liver? Death is more refreshing.

Why do we smoke when we know what it will do to our lungs? Death is more relaxing.

Why do we drive 100 mph and jump out of airplanes? Death is more exhilarating.

Why did they sleep with Moabite women? Death is more fun.

At least that is the lie the devil is telling us... and we are believing.

And if it wasn't for Jesus the devil would win.

But because of His death we have life.

His death is the truth.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to be really careful and point out that the context of that remark was in circumscribing the topic of artificial insemination with the case of sperm donation, and making sure it wasn't technical adultery. The Jewish Bioethics lecture was trying to focus on avoiding sin and promote the birth of healthy children. I just don't want the line to be taken too far out of context.
