Thursday, September 15, 2011

Numbers 26

It's census time again... which is why the book of Numbers is named the Numbers.

All of the men aged 20 or older are counted and the land is divided up equally based on the amount of men in each tribe. Kind of like seats in the House of Representatives. They were so fair!

The Israelites were just given the land... for free. They didn't have to pay because they were taking it from those who were living on it. Maybe they weren't real fair. "Excuse me, it's time for you to leave your house because it is now my house... oh you have a problem with that? How about I kill you then?"

There is no free land in America, but there used to be. All a settler needed to do was come with a big gun and they could have tons of free land. "Excuse me, Mr. Native American, we are going to move you and your tribe to this plot of land in west South Dakota... enjoy!"

This seems so wrong, but has been going on since the start of time. It's still happening in Israel between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Millions of people have died for dirt.

And millions more will.

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