Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Numbers 24

Verse 10 "I have summoned you to curse my enemies, but you have blessed them..."

One of the myths that we have created is that our enemies are God's enemies. I got an email the other day that said Christians could not possibly follow Obama because of his views on abortion and his friendliness with Muslims. I have heard other people say the opposite, they wonder how conservatives can actually claim to be christians?

Which side is Jesus on? Who is Jesus' enemy?

Jesus isn't on left or the right. He probably dislikes both parties for all the times they have misused his name. Jesus doesn't root against the football team you're playing this weekend and Jesus doesn't think all Muslims are to blame for 9/11.

Enemies are against God's plan. God's plan is unity.

The most united I have ever seen America was the days and weeks after 9/11... but as the news stopped covering the story we slowly drifted apart to where we are now. As divided as we have ever been. There is even a grassroots movement in Texas to secede from the US.

If unity can not be found under the flag, then perhaps it can be found under the cross. Where we realize we are all God's enemy because it was our sin that put the nails in Jesus hands and feet.

If there is anyone God doesn't like, it's me.

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