Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Numbers 20

Guess what the Israelites are doing in Numbers 20? They are complaining again. I'm starting to think that the book of Numbers should have been named Complainers.

They are complaining because they don't have any water to drink or to give to their livestock. So God tells Moses to strike a rock with his staff and water will pour out... so he does and water appears from the rock.

The water doesn't come until the people complain. Did God need to hear their complaints before doing something about it? God is actually angered because of the Israelites lack of faith.

The people who live in the Horn of Africa are experiencing a terrible drought and famine. It hasn't rained there in 8 years. Thousands of people a day are dying because they don't have water. They can't grow their crops and their livestock is dying.

Should they be complaining louder? It's hard to have faith when you are holding your dead child.

Where is their rock?

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