Wednesday, June 20, 2012

1 Timothy 5

Verse 23: “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses.

Seriously, this is a verse directly from the bible.

Apparently Timothy had a stomach issue that could be healed by drinking a little wine. Wine was the first century Pepto-Bismol!

2,000 years ago wine was mixed with water, 2 parts wine to 3 parts water. Most people didn’t drink to get drunk; drinking wine was just a treat.

Some days I get home from a stressful day and need something to relax. I’ve never had a beer in my life, but I do love a glass of cold chocolate milk, it goes straight to my soul.

What is it that you need? Are you treating yourself? Are you treating yourself too much? There is a difference between treating yourself and becoming addicted to something.  

Everything God created is good, but some things need to be enjoyed in moderation.

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