Monday, July 2, 2012

1 Timothy 6

In verse 17 Paul writes "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth..."

I think pastors fall into one of two categories, they either love talking about money or they hate it.

The ones that love talking about money usually start by saying that one should give more of it to the church. To make this a reality they do one of two things, they promise that the more one gives the more one will be financially blessed or they just use good old fashioned guilt.

I don't really like talking about money, not because it makes me uncomfortable but because I do not want to be accused of making false promises or using guilt. But I think talking about money is important because money is something that we can use to make the world a better place; we can make money our servant. We can take something that God has given us and use it for His purpose.

But money is dangerous because we can serve it and put our hope in it. Money gives us a sense of security, but it cannot love us or save us.

Jesus can do both... no matter what the market is doing.

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