Tuesday, June 19, 2012

1 Timothy 4

Verse 4 "For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, provided it is received with thanksgiving..."

Life is pretty hard at times, we all struggle with pain, loss and anxiety. I am really tired of commercials that use the line "in these economic times..."

But there are good things in life too, a lot of them. Life is full of good things, like relationships and love... and food.

Paul urges us to enjoy the good things in life, but does it mean to reveice them with thanksgiving? Here is what I think.

Firstly it means that we need to realize that all the good things in our life, everything that brings us joy and satisfaction, comes from God. We are not entitled to anything, everything we have is a gift from our Maker. Our jobs, our family, our friends, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the cars we drive and the air we breathe, we have because God is good.

Secondly, we should share all the we have. We have been loved, we should love others. We have been blessed with food and clothes, we should share with those that don't have enough. The more we are blessed the more we should share. No person or country should monopolize God's gifts.

Finally, we should give thanks. When we give thanks to God for what we have been given, we make every gift sacred. The things we have are holy because they are God's, not ours.

Just like we are holy, because we are God's.

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