Monday, June 4, 2012

Titus 1

Paul writes a letter to Titus, telling him what qualities to look for when picking church leaders. Paul lists a number of good qualities, but he sums it all up when he writes "he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good."

What does it mean to love what is good?

What is good?  Did the Nazi Youth think they were doing good when they were doing what they were told?
Do terrorists think they are doing good when they have been brainwashed to be a suicide bomber? Good isn't always good. 

Who decides what is good? In reality, each of us do. Our culture and family influence what we believe is good and what isn't.

When we each decide what is good, goodness gets perverted by our agendas and egos.

God's goodness has never been perverted, because God's agenda is love.

If we are going to love what is good, we have to love what God believes is good.

The best prayer we can pray is for God to change us, so that our understanding of good is the same as God's.

Lord knows we all need to be changed for the better.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pr Nick. Certainly very sound advice. I'm listening.
