Monday, June 18, 2012

1 Timothy 3

Verse 15 "If I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth."

The whole purpose of this letter to Timothy is to tell the members of the church how to behave so that the church can do what it is supposed to... so that the church can complete it's one major task... to be the pillar and foundation of the Truth.

I believe Paul means two things in that statement.

The church is to be the pillar of the Truth, which, I think means the church is to hold the Truth up so that everyone can see. Lutherans would say that the Truth of God is revealed to us on the cross, so the easiest to way to lift up the Truth is to lift high the cross.

Also, the church is to be the foundation of the Truth, which, I think means the church is to support the Truth against all storms and adversaries. There are always enemies of the Truth, wanting to squash it, wanting to rain on some one else's parade.

I think there are very few people in America that haven't heard about Jesus, but there are a lot of people that have heard the Truth and it was not relevant to them. They have heard the Truth and they have heard the enemies of the Truth, and they just gave up trying to figure it out. They give pastors a chance and hear how gay people are going to hell and how Jesus wants to build a 50 foot wall between Mexico and the USA.

That's not the Truth, that's the Truth mixed with someone else's egenda.

We need to get back to the Truth. We need to lift it high and we need to defend.

What is the Truth?

Look at what Jesus was like and you'll see what God is like. God is love.

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