Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ruth 2

Ruth goes to the field of Boaz to pick up the grains left after the harvesters came through... she was picking up the scraps for food.

Boaz, a close family member to Naomi meets her and and is kind to her. He has heard of Ruth's loyalty to her mother in-law Naomi, which caused her to leave her homeland and family to come to live in a foreign land. Boaz said to Ruth: "May the Lord repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge."

Ruth has been on a long journey. She lost her husband and moved to a foreign land. All she has in the world is her mother in-law, whom she is taking care of. She has no one to support her, she has no where to take refuge, except under God's wings.

The good news is that God's wings are pretty big. There are hurts in life that no one else can fix... like the death of a spouse, the death of a dream. All the hopes for the future are gone, the visions of growing old together all of a sudden disappear. The love of your life is gone.

How can one recover from that? Especially when it happens at such a young age.

I would lock myself in my house and not come out for months.

Only faith in God can overcome the power that death has on us. Because only God is bigger than death. God offers live that is everlasting... death is not the end.

Only under God's wings can we find shelter when death attacks. And only on God's wings can we soar for all eternity.

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