Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ephesians 1

Verse 5 "He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Christ Jesus, in accordance with with his pleasure and will..."

Martin Luther argued that we are justified by grace through faith and that no one can earn their own salvation. Faith is a gift from the Holy Spirit, it is not a decision we make. Therefore our salvation is fully dependent on God... nothing we can do.

John Calvin took it a step further and argued that people are predestined by God as to whether they will be saved or not; God decides before we were born who goes to hell and who goes to heaven. This text supports his claim.

But I have a problem with predestination. I can't imagine God condemns anyone before they are born; how can God not give them a chance and be loving?

Instead, I think God wants each and every person ever created to seek a relationship with him, to be open to the possibilities of faith. Yet God gives us all the freedom to deny him.

If we are condemned, it's our choice not God's.

Actually it is God's choice. But I think he gives us what we want.

If we want heaven we can have it.

If we want hell we can have that too.

God's love is in the freedom of choice.

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