Friday, January 6, 2012

Matthew 27

I looked up the definition of forsaken this morning. To forsake means "to leave someone who needs or counts on you."To be in a time of desparate of need and have everybody your counting on abandon you.

That is how Jesus felt while the nails were tearing his body and he was struggling to breathe. This was something Jesus had to do on his own... no help was coming from anyone.

Have you ever felt abandoned? Ever felt alone? It's a terrible feeling... it makes every challenge more daunting, it strips us of hope.

But an important thing happened when Jesus died... the curtain of the temple was torn in 2.

That curtain served as a baririer, dividing the place where we live and where God lives. In his lonely, painful death, Jesus opened the door for God to come out of the temple and be with us wherever we are.

The promise then is this, we are never forsaken. Although we may feel that way sometimes, God promises to be with us at all times, from now until eternity.

Somedays it is hard to see God though.

I grew up in Michigan, where the winter is really winter... not this pretend winter we have in Texas. It would get cold and cloudy, and it would stay that way for months. We would forget what the sun felt like.

God is like the sun, always there, always providing light and warmth. But sometimes our lives are so clouded with junk that we can not see the sun, we can not feel it's warmth or see it's light.

In those times we need to pray for better weather... or go to where the sun is shining brightest.

And the Son shines brightest on the cross.

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