Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Matthew 28

Well we are finished with Matthew... what a story!

This man Jesus lived an incredible life. His wisdom and compassion will live on forever... but what about his body? Could he really have been resurrected? Or was his body stolen like the Jews said it was in verse 13?

The end is what is so hard to believe. Miracles are one thing, but to be dead, and then to be alive again is impossible. Even HIS disciples doubted, while they were in his presence in verse 17.

It's almost impossible to believe. Death is permanent.

But that's why this story is so beatiful.

God is able to take the darkest day in human history (Good Friday) and turn it in to the most beautiful day in human history (Easter Sunday).

God is able to take the permanent (death) and make it temporary.

And this is not just for Jesus, but for everyone that believes. Our deaths are not permanent, they are just a passing through to a better life.

Believe in the resurrection... believe that Jesus was resurrected... believe that you will be resurrected.

But until then hear the words in verse 20, what I believe to be the most comforting words in all the bible...

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pr Nick, You have led us on an interesting and inspiring journey. The destination is certainly worth the trip. Can't wait to see where we are going next.
