Monday, February 4, 2013

Luke 8

Jesus was sleeping in a boat with his disciples when a storm came. The boat was taking on water and the disciples thought they were going to die, so they shouted at Jesus, "Master, Master, we are perishing!" (Verse 24)

I imagine the disciples were doing everything they could to get water back out of the boat. They probably were filling up buckets and dumping them overboard... and they needed Jesus to help. They needed Jesus to grab a bucket and help keep the boat from sinking.

There are moments in life that we just need to survive. Moments when the water is coming over the top, when relationships are strained or when there is too much month at the end of the money and we just need to find a way to get to the shore. So we beg Jesus to help us... Help us get to next Friday or help us get through this argument... Help us survive.

Jesus didn't pick up a bucket, he told the wind to stop blowing, and it did.

I wonder if we are so focused on our boats that we've lost sight of God's ability to calm the storm.

God doesn't just want your marriage to survive, God wants it to thrive. If that's not the case, what changes need to be made? Do you need to meet with someone to help?

God doesn't want you to live paycheck to paycheck, God wants you to be at peace financially. Are you willing to admit you need help?

Calming a storm is hard work, but God can do it... if you're willing to get in the boat with Him.

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