Monday, February 25, 2013

Luke 16

Jesus said, “You cannot serve both God and money.” (Verse 13)

I think this is a hard verse for us to read. Or maybe, it should be a harder verse for us to read than it is.

As a capitalist society, money is the motivation for much of what we do. I am not saying this is evil, I’m just saying it is true. Do you check the stock market once a week? Every day? Have you taken a job just because it paid you well? Have you chosen a profession because it pays better than something you might have enjoyed more?

The reality is, we need money to live. And the more money we have, the more comfortable life can be. At least that’s what we have been told our whole lives.

I don’t think it’s a sin to have a job that pays well nor do I think it’s a sin to have nice things. But I do think it is difficult to resist the temptation of serving money.

I watched this happen to one of my friends. He got a little money, he wanted a little more, and then he wanted a lot more. It didn’t take long before he started to plot and plan ways to get more money. Eventually money was the last thing he thought of when he went to bed and the first thing he thought of when he woke up. He got what he wanted, but ruined his marriage.

I have another friend who loves his job. He is very good at it and has climbed the corporate ladder to a point where money isn’t a concern. The crazy thing is, I think he would do the same job for half the money. He loves his job and he loves his wife; he doesn’t love or serve money. Instead, his money serves him; he gives it away to charities and family members. He uses his money to make a difference.

I don’t think Jesus has a problem with us having money. As long as it serves us, and we serve him.         

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