Wednesday, January 2, 2013

John 19

It seems strange to be blogging about Jesus' death so soon after Christmas. As I walked in to my office today I passed the beautiful Christmas tree that still stands in our sanctuary... which made me want to hold on to Christmas a little longer. But I can't.

In John 19 Jesus is sentenced to be executed and murdered on a cross. Nails are hammered through his wrists and ankles, and a spear is thrust in to his side. He doesn't fight back, his only plea is for something to drink.

He was taken down from the cross following his death and his body was carried away by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus... They placed his corpse in a tomb.

It's interesting that Jesus wasn't buried by his disciples, who were all in hiding. He was buried by a Pharisee named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council! We first met Nicodemus in John 3, when he came to Jesus and wondered how someone could be born again. Jesus tried to explain it to him, but Nicodemus did not understand... He didn't get it and walked away confused.

Until he sees Jesus on the cross.

Jesus said a lot of things and he did a lot of things. Some of it we understand and some of it leaves us scratching our heads... actually a lot it leaves us scratching our heads. God is bigger than Nicodemus could understand, and God is bigger than we can understand.

But we can all understand the cross.

Jesus died because he loved us, all of us, every single one of us. And whether we realize it or not, we needed him to die for us.

It wasn't until Nicodemus saw Jesus on the cross that he got it.

If you want to understand God, look to the cross.

1 comment:

  1. Death surrounds us and Christmas is just the beginning of our story. Good blog Nick. Thank you.
