Thursday, December 20, 2012

John 18

Jesus is arrested and brought before Pilate. The Jewish leaders want the Romans to crucify him, but Pilate doesn't think Jesus is guilty of anything. Pilate really didn't want to punish him.

Pilate had a custom of releasing a prisoner every year at the time of the Passover. He had an idea which we would let him off the hook. Instead of punishing Jesus, he would offer to release him, and to make sure the crowds chose Jesus, he would put him against Barabbas, a well-known criminal. Barrabbas was considered a mad man and was responsible for a revolt which led to the many deaths. The clear punishment for his crimes was crucifixion. Surely the people would rather have Jesus released than this dangerous man Barabbas.

Pilate's plan backfires. The Jewish people choose to free Barabbas instead of Jesus. They encourage Pilate to crucify Jesus.

The people chose to crucify Jesus, the Son of God.

The people chose to crucify Jesus, who was guilty of healing people, loving people, and teaching people.

The people chose to crucify Jesus because he claimed to be the Messiah... he claimed to be what he was.
The people chose to free Barabbas, a man guilty of murder and madness.

The people chose evil over goodness, they chose anarchy over God's will.

We choose evil over good everytime we sin, and we sin every day...  Every day we choose Barabbas instead of Jesus.

So Jesus took Barabbas' place on the cross... and ours.

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