Thursday, January 3, 2013

John 20

Jesus was crucified in John 19... He was dead, the story was supposed to be over. The disciples were in hiding and trying to figure what would be next for them. The Jewish leaders were proud of what they had done and celebrating the Passover.

But the story wasn't over.

In John 20 Mary Magdalene goes to Jesus' tomb, but he isn't there. She thought someone had taken his body so she runs to get a couple disciples. They don't understand where his body could have gone. While she is crying, Jesus appears and calls her by name. She runs to tell the disciples what she saw. Jesus then appears to some of the disciples, but not all of them.

Thomas didn't see Jesus. Thomas was one of Jesus' disciples, he traveled with him for years, saw him perform miracels and listened while he taught. Thomas believed that Jesus was the Messiah, but he didn't believe he had come back from the dead. No matter what the other disciples said, Thomas was not buying it.

Thomas, a man that was in Jesus' inner-circle, doubted. If Thomas can doubt, so can we.

A week later Thomas was with the other disciples when Jesus appeared; Jesus showed Thomas his scars. Thomas believes because he has seen. Thomas saw because although he doubted, he still showed up to meet with the other disciples.

We all go through periods of doubt in our life. Some periods last longer than others. Sometimes we want Jesus to appear and show us his scars. In those times, the most important thing we can do is continue to surround ourselves with disciples... We need to continue to show up at church or bible study or wherever we find Christian community.

And we ask God to show up... Even though God is already there.

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