Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Luke 1

An angel of God visits a girl named Mary and tells her that she is going to have a son. You may have heard this one before...

But have you ever thought about it from Mary's perspective?

She was young, maybe 12 or 13. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. She must have thought that he would dump her when he found out she was pregnant. He would probably go on to tell everyone that she was unfaithful and she would forever be known as a fornicator or an adulterer. She was poor and had no way to support herself or her child. This was devstating news.

Mary may not have had much, but she had some standing in society. She had her reputation and would soon have a husband. She was looking ahead to a better life, to a higher place in society. No matter how bad people have it, they never want life to get worse.

Despite all this, she said to the angel, "I am the Lord's servant. May your word to me be fulfilled." (v.38)

Mary either didn't have a choice, or she had enough faith to put her life in God's hands... I think it was her faith.

Then miracles started happening. Joseph didn't dump her, instead he cared for her son like he was his own. Shepherds and wisemen showed up to see her baby boy. Her son Jesus went on to heal people, feed people, and teach people. He even rose from the dead after he was beaten and murdered by the Romans.

Mary grew from a girl to a wife and a mother. She watched her children struggle and succeed, she knew grief and she knew joy. She was like any other mom. Except she wasn't.

She was Jesus' mom. She gave birth to God in the flesh, the most famous person that ever lived. For that, she will be remembered as the most famous woman that ever lived. She was once poor and young, but now billions of people know of her... I mean, you have heard this one before, right?

All it took was faith.

What could God do with us if we had enough faith to put our lives in His hands?

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