Saturday, March 2, 2013

Luke 20

The Sadducees have a question for Jesus. They give an example of a woman who, because she is widowed six times, dies after having seven husbands. They ask, “In the resurrection, therefore, whose wife will she be?” (Verse 33)

Actually, this scenario was not uncommon back then. Well, having seven husbands might have been a stretch, but many women had more than one. It was Jewish law that if a man died, his brother would marry the widow. The purpose of the law was to protect the family property.

Jesus replied, ““The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage.” (Verses 34 – 35)

I love my wife Michelle more than words can say, and my love for her grows every day. She is my best friend. This verse saddens me. I don’t think heaven will be heaven if we are not there together, as a family. Well, it definitely won’t be the heaven that I picture in my dreams.

That’s exactly the point Jesus is trying to make.

Heaven is not going to be like we imagine it. We cannot think of heaven in earthly terms, because it is going to be different than what we know; it is going to be better than what we know.

Nothing will be the same in heaven as it is on earth, except an abundance of love.

Which is why I have to believe that I’ll be with Michelle in heaven. We may not be married anymore, but we will still be best friends and our love for each other will continue to grow. Maybe we can sing next to each other in a choir of angels.

I have no idea what heaven will be like, but it is going to be wonderful.

As long as it will have Jesus and Michelle.

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