Monday, May 21, 2012


Obadiah is a prophet that writes down a vision he has seen against the people of Edom.

Why is God against Edom?

They stood aloof while others carried off their brothers wealth and gloated at their misfortune. They didn't stand up for their fellow countrymen, they stuck out their tongues and laughed at their misfortune.

Have you ever laughed at someone elses misfortune? Have you ever sarcastically said the words "couldn't have happened to a nicer guy?" I have... I really enjoyed watching the Ohio State football program get nailed with NCAA sanctions last year over a couple free tattoos.

Jesus told us to love our neighbors, but it's a lot easier to kick them when they are down. That's why we have tabloid magazines and entertainment television shows; Americans love a good train wreck.

God is not like us.

God doesn't point and laugh at us when we're down; He's not entertained when our lives veer off the track.

God wants to help us, and wants us to help each other.

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