Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Jonah 3

Jonah finally goes to Ninevah and does what God asks of him. Jonah declares "Forty more days and Ninevah will be overthrown." Jonah expects to be killed by the people of Ninevah for proclaiming such a dreary message, or at the very least mocked by everyone.

The last thing he expects to happen is what happens. The people actually listen to him and change their ways. God's mind is changed because their actions have changed, they are not destroyed.

We can read this 2 ways. First, Jonah was nuts and God wasn't going to destroy Ninevah either way. We have a lot of so called "prophets" telling us the world is going to end on a specific date, and when the day passes they claim that God's mind changed because we became better people.

Or we can look at this as God using one person to change a city, or a nation, or the world.

Can one person really make that big of a difference? No. Can God make a difference through one person? Absolutely.

We are in the midst of a Capital Campaign at Abiding Grace, trying to raise enough money to find a permanent home. But that's not really why we are doing it. We are raising money so that we can change the world. We are buidling a foundation that God can build on for years to come.

Can Abiding Grace change the world? No.

Can God change the world through us? Absolutely.

One person at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Pr Nick. I might add that God is changing some of us so that we can be a part of the world changes. I always appreciate your perspective.

