Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jonah 1

God calls Jonah to go to the city of Ninevah and preach against it because it was a wicked place. Jonah doesn't want to, he is afraid that they will kill him. So instead he runs away, he hops on a ship and sets sail in the opposite direction of Ninevah.

God does not like being ignored, so He sends a great wind and the sea becomes very rough, to the point that the sailors fear for their lives. They all realize that God is causing the waves and when they realize that it is Jonah who has upset God, they throw him into the sea.

When I read this story I t can't help but think of the years I ran away from God and my call to be a pastor. I worked in corporate America and started climbing the ladder. I thought that I would do that for 35 years, retire, buy a condo in Florida and golf every day for the next 20 years.

I talked to a friend of mine that was a pastor, he told me that going to seminary was like throwing up, you put it off as long as you want, but if God wants it to happen, it is going to happen. It happened.

God calls us all to do something with the gifts that He has given us.

What task are you running from?

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