Monday, March 19, 2012

Zechariah 6

Zechariah has a vision of chariots coming to earth from between two bronze mountains, which means they came from heaven, they came from God.

Chariots come for one reason, war. God had a war to rage with the people of the north (Babylon) and the people of the south (Egypt). Why did God go to war? Because these nations were hostile towards God's people.

So God acted out to defend His people... And their is no better defender than God because God is all-powerful, or omnipotent.

God can do anything... there is no power in the universe that can come close.

And yet God allowed humanity to nail His naked son to a cross and leave him to hang there until he died.

Because there is more power in love than any weapon on earth. Weapons may have the power to destroy, but love has the power to save.

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