Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Zechariah 1

Zechariah 1 introduces the reader to a new kind of tree, the myrtle.

Up until now the symbol for Jerusalem was a cedar tree; a tree that is strong, majestic and independent. The problem with cedar trees is that they are hard to grow, they need optimum conditions.

A myrtle tree however will grow anywhere. It's not a real pretty tree and is not very strong by itself. Myrtle trees intertwine with one another to gain strength.

The people of God once thought they were like cedars. They were concerned with majesty and strength. They built ornate temples and wore the fanciest robes. They took a place of honor amongst the people and lived a life of privilege.

The future of the church, as it was then and as it is now, is more like the myrtle tree. Strength does not come from how good we act or look, but it comes from relationships and how we support one another. Beauty is not about how big and ornate our buildings are but in how we love one another.

The church can and will grow, if we learn from the myrtle tree.

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