Thursday, March 15, 2012

Zechariah 5

Wickedness shows up in Zechariah 5 in the form of a woman in a basket. Angels then take wickedness back to Babylon.

The Iraelites had recently returned from Babylon after almost 100 years of living there. One could imagine how engrained the Babylonian culture had become in the Israelites. They were born and raised in Babylon. The Israelites from 100 years ago were dead... All these people knew was Babylon.

I have officially lived in Texas fro under 2 years now and it's amazing how much Texan culture has becoem a part of my life. I even say "y'all." If I stayed here all my life and had children and grandchildren that were born here move to Michigan, they might not understand the Michigan I grew up in.

These Israelites didn't understand the Israel of 100 years earlier. They are bringing a piece of Babylon back with them.

God is not interested in Babylon. Send all the Babylon in you back where it belongs.

Babylon was known for commercialism and greed, not the virutes that God wants for His people. Stuff all that junk in a basket and send it back.

Unfortunately it didn't all fit in the basket; a couple hundred years later commercialism and greed had overtaken the temple... God's dwelling place.

God showed up and flipped over their tables.

So they crucified Him.

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