Thursday, February 2, 2012

Six truths about Jesus: Truth #1 - Jesus is not judgmental

We finished Ephesians yesterday and I wasn't sure where to go next. I decided today to take a break from what we have been doing and blog on six truths about Jesus that the gospels tell us.

Truth #1 - Jesus is not judgmental.

In John chapter 8 the teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus that had been caught committing adultery. They wanted Jesus to agree with them that she should be stoned to death for her sin.

Jesus resplied "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone."

One by one all the stones fell to the ground as they all walked away. When Jesus looked up he saw that there was no one there except the woman. He said to her "Woman, where are they? Has no one condmended you? Then neither do I."

Jesus was the only one of the group that was without sin. He was the only one that had a right to condemn her, but he didn't. Instead he told her to go and "leave your life of sin."

Jesus had a chance to be judgmental, he chose to love instead.

If she was caught in adultery again would Jesus say the same thing or would he then cast a stone? I believe he would say the same thing to her. If she fell into sin everyday for the rest of her life, Jesus would love her everyday for the rest of her life. I hope this is true, because I sin everyday.

How then can Christians be judgmental? How can Christians claim that Jesus hates gay people or republicans or democrats or any group of people you want to fill in the blank with?

Jesus hates our sin.

Jesus love us. Each and every one of us. Everday of our lives.

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