Thursday, September 6, 2012

John 2

Jesus is at a wedding with his disciples and his mother. The party planners run out of wine, so the party is over right? Nope. Jesus' mother, Mary, looks at him and says "They have no more wine." Jesus responds by saying "Why do you involve me?" Basically he says, "I don't care, it's not my problem." Mary ignores Jesus, looks to the servant at the party and says "Do whatever he tells you." Jesus then turns water into wine so the party can continue.

I love the conversation between Jesus and Mary. She tells him to do something and he says no. She just ignores him and makes him do it.

Jesus was human, he had a mom that would make him do things. At times I'm sure he felt she was just nagging him, but he did what his mom told him to because he didn't have a choice. I wonder if Mary ever said to him, "I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it!"

Sometimes I feel bad for Mary. She was responsible for raising the Son of God and the savior of mankind. She had to be the mother to God incarnate, but at the same time he was her blood, her baby boy. She had to punish him and wash his dirty diapers... And she had to watch him die like a criminal.

None of us are Jesus and we don't have Mary as a mother. (Your mother's name might be Mary, but I promise she wasn't a virgin when you were born.)  If your mom is anything like mine, she has not always had it easy raising you. The least we can do is love her in return.

If you had a good mom, you could help her, call her, cherish her.

If your mom wasn't a very good mom, you can forgive her.

If your mom has passed on, you can remember the good times, and tell those stories.

It's not always easy, but it's not like we are being asked to turn water into wine.  

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