Wednesday, September 5, 2012

John 1

Verse 29: The next day John (the Baptist) saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"

This may be the most radical verse in all the bible. This statement is just as radical today as it was 2,000 years ago for three reasons.

First, Jesus forgives your sins. Not just your sins against God, but your sins against everyone on the planet. If you steal from someone, Jesus forgives you... If you murder someone, Jesus forgives you... If you <fill in the blank>, Jesus forgives you. But, if you steal from me, or murder me, I feel like it should be up to me if you are forgiven... Nope, Jesus has the power to forgive the things we do each other. By claiming that he can forgive sins, he was either a lunatic or the Son of God. (Note: If you murder me, I am going to be really mad at you!)

Second, Jesus doesn't just forgive you, he forgives the sins of "the world." It doesn't say he forgives the sins of those who repent, or just the sins of Christians, it says the sins of "the world." Meaning Jesus forgives the sins of those who don't believe, he even forgives the sins of those who hate the church. There are no exceptions... "The world" means everyone! No person, no matter how self-righteous they are, can condemn another because all are forgiven.

Finally, not only are our sins forgiven, the text says that Jesus took them away... They are gone. God does not see our sins when He looks at the world because they are gone, they have been taken away and will never return. We are the ones that hold on to our sin, not God. We harbor anger towards those that have sinned against us or we carry guilt around like a suitcase full of bricks. We have trouble letting go of the things that God has already taken away. (Not to say letting things go is an easy process, but it is a worthwhile one.) 

Maybe this isn't radical to you, but it is to me. I pray that you claim the entire forgiveness of all your sins... Know that you are forgiven, because you are loved.

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