Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Zechariah 13

Verse 1: “On that day a fountain will be opened to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity."

When I hear the word fountain I think of water. Water is powerful. It is relaxing, it cleanses, our bodies need it to live, and it has the power to take life. Water cuts through rock and provides a powder that we can ski on.

Water does a lot.

It's natural, for a Christian, to associate water with Baptism.

But I think we miss the point.

Baptismal water does not was sin away like this fountain that Zechariah describes. Instead the waters of Baptism are meant to drown out the sinful creature inside of us. Baptism is about death.

There is one liquid with the power to wash away sin. The same liquid that flows in this fountain.

The blood of Jesus.

Only his blood can wipe away our sins.

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