Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Nahum 1

Verse 3: "The Lord is slow to anger but great in power..."

I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:5 "(love) is not easily angered."

When I talk to couples that are getting married I often share this verse with them about being slow to anger. Notice what it doesn't say, it doesn't say that love does not get angry, it says that it is slow to anger.

God is the same way. God gets angry, but has a tremendous amount of patience. More than you and I, put together, and then some.

Anger can be healthy, when it is shared appropriately. Anger helps us get our feelings out so that our relationships can be healthier. Anger is not something that we should ignore, but flying off the handle isn't good either. (Remember to breathe)

God wants our relationships to be as healthy as possible. That's why were created, to be in relationship with each other. Adam was alone, and God didn't think that was a good thing.

Will God's anger ever reach the boiling point? Should we be worried that in anger God will hit the earth with a divine baseball bat and send us flying towards the closest black hole?

God didn't swing when we nailed Jesus to the cross.

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