The another angel shows up and tells Zechariah to run down the other angel and make him stop measuring, because the new Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the great number of people that will live there.
There was an expectation among the people that Jerusalem would be like it was before. I think we always romaticize about the way things used to be and long for them to be that way again. We talk about the times when you didn't have to lock your doors at night and when churches were full every Sunday... The days when kids went out on a Friday night for a milkshake and everybody believed what Walter Kronkite said.
Those days are gone now and they aren't coming back.
Instead God has something bigger and better planned.
Jerusalem was to be a city without walls because there will be so many more people there than there was... the city would be more vibrant than it ever was.
For years churches have only been focused on what is going on inside their walls and ignoring the world that was changing around them until finally there was no one left to turn off the light on a Sunday morning. It's never going to be like it was and that is a good thing.
We need to start thinking bigger than our four walls because God is up to something big.
Not a religion but a movement, a love revolution.
And no revolution can be confined to a building.
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