When I was a youngin' we used to play different variations of tag. You know the game, someone is "it" and they would have to chase others and tag them. Once tagged one would either become the new "it" or become frozen or something. I hated tag because I was slow. The one thing about the game that I liked was the spot where I could sit and be safe. Sometimes it was a bench or sandbox, but if I was standing or sitting there I could not be tagged. It was called base. (I couldn't resist this corny picture)
In Numbers 35 God has the Israelites create 6 towns that were called "cities of refuge." These towns were places that one could run to when they had killed someone accidentally and wait for trial. While in these towns, the accused could live free from the threat of vengeance. They could be safe.
If they were found not guilty of murder, then they could live their life in these towns without any fear. (To be found guilty the prosecution needed 2 eye witnesses to confirm that the accused killed the victim intentionally. I get the feeling that most often the murders could not be proven, so these towns of refuge were probably full. Not really the kind of place I'd like to raise a family.)
Each night the evening news tells us stories of how people are killed in an auto accident or their houses burn down or someone mugs them. This world can be a scary place to live. Where do we find safety? Where is our base?
Is there a place that we can flee to and no longer have to worry about the perils of life?
No. Each day we live we put ourselves in harm's way. So how do we find peace?
We find peace in knowing that there is more to life than just this earth. We find our peace in knowing that God has something much bigger planned for us. That place is called heaven and we are welcome because of Jesus.
He is our base.
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