Balaam is enlightened by his talking donkey. Balaam is riding his donkey and can not see the angel of the Lord standing in front of him, but his donkey can. So his donkey changes directions and Balaam beats it. This happens a couple times before the donkey finally starts talking.
I wonder if Balaam looked like Shrek?
There are times in our lives when we are headed down the wrong road. Everyone we know can see that we are going the wrong direction but no one can convince us to turn around.
Sometimes we just need to fall on our face to see that we have been acting like a fool.
For Balaam, the rock-bottom moment came when his donkey was smarter than him.
We can learn a lot about life from our pets. We can learn about uncondtional love and loyalty... but we have to be observant, because they can't talk.
But we have friends and family that can talk, and that love us enough to tell us the truth. (Do not surround yourself with people that tell you what you want to hear, but surround yourself with people who will speak the truth in love.)
Acting like a fool is a universal problem. We all do it.
What we don't all do is listen when people are trying to help.
How much heartache could would we be spared if we did?
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