Wednesday, October 10, 2012

John 11

In chapter 10 Jesus was almost captured and killed. He escaped and fled to the other side of the Jordan River, where he was safe.

In chapter 11 Jesus gets word that his friend Lazarus is sick... Lazarus lives on the other side of the river, where Jesus' enemies live.

Jesus has to make a decision. Does he stay where he is safe or does he risk his life and go visit his friend?

Of course he goes to visit Lazarus. By the time he arrives Lazarus has been dead for four days and his sisters, Mary and Martha, are stricken with grief. Jesus weeps with them.

If the story stopped here we would still think that Jesus was a good guy and a great friend. He risked his life to see his friend, but was too late, so he comforted his friend's sisters.

Up until this point in the story, Jesus has not drawn much attention to himself. He is just another visitor coming to pay his respects. Jesus could have spent a few hours with Mary and Martha, and then headed back to the safe side of the river.

But our God is bigger than just a good guy and a great friend.

Jesus walks to the tomb where Lazarus' body was lying. The stone was taken away and Jesus said in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" (v.43) Lazarus, still wrapped in linen, walked out of the tomb, alive.

Immediately word spread about what Jesus had done, and again the Jewish leaders tried to arrest him and kill him. From that time on, Jesus had to be careful where he went.

Jesus risked his life to save his friend. Jesus gave his life to save you.

It's never too late to be saved.

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