Friday, February 11, 2011

Here we go!

I always thought about having a blog... I thought it was really cool when Doogie Howser had his computer diary 20 years ago, but wasn't sure if anybody would care what I thought. I'm still not sure, but I finally feel like I have something worthwhile to talk about (God) and I feel like I have enough knowledge (M-Div) to not sound like a total idiot.

I have seen a few different charts, which, if followed will assist in reading the whole bible in a year. Setting a goal to read the bible is a great idea, but I wonder if just making a goal to finish is what we are supposed to be doing.

For a long time I have had a love/hate relationship with working out... I hate it when I'm doing it, but when I'm not, I wish I were working out. I have always looked at working out as something to help me reach a goal, and after I reach that goal then I can stop. A friend of mine told me that I must start to look at working at as a part of life, not just something which is started and stopped, but something that just needs to be done, like breathing... I'm still working on it!

So back to the bible. I have decided that instead of going off of a chart, I am just going to pick a book, start at the beginning and read it until it ends. When I'm done with that book, I will pick another one.(Revelation will be last) I am going to read 2-3 chapters, 4 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and blog about what I have read... When I finish the whole bible, I'm going to start over and do it again. As our lives change, so does our understanding of God's word. I'm guessing it will take around 2 years to get through the bible, but it will take a life time to try and understand God's grace.

I invite you to join me on this journey, to read with me, to ask questions, to wrestle with the challenging texts and to let God's love rain down on you and soak you to the soul, and to let God's love reign in your lives. (see how I used rain and reign? pretty clever huh?)

*Disclaimer #1 - I have never been told that I am a great writer, and I don't pretend to be. I'm just going to write what I think... God doesn't expect perfect grammar when we pray, and I am not turning this in to any professor.

*Disclaimer #2 - I probably will talk about sports and movies a lot... and my beautiful wife.

That's all I got for now, have a great weekend, the blog officially starts on Tuesday with Mark 1-2!


  1. Off you go on a journey, with only a book! It will take you to familiar places and I suspect to places you've not even Imagined!

  2. Thanks Nick, My personal Bible study has bogged down a bit lately. Your blog and the ensuing comments will give me a new perspective on my relationship with God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. This is good indeed.


  3. Peace be the journey, Nick. Look forward to hearing your thoughts!

  4. Hi Nick, I visited your new church for the first time yesterday, February 13. I have been praying to God for a long time for something I think He has answered. I very excited to be joining your blogging and reading the Bible and I love the style you've chosen to take. God is good! Peace, Merry Arledge
