Verse 37: "Jersualem! Jerusalem! Murderer of prophets! Killer of the one who brought you God's news!" (The Message)
These are the words of Jesus to the Pharisees, the leaders of the Jewish church. Jesus was warning them that they were repeating history by ignoring Jesus, who was a prophet.
Jesus had three roles, prophet, priest and king. Mostly we talk about him being a king and how he rules in glory... but today I want to talk about Jesus as prophet.
A prophet, in the biblical sense is someone who acts as a medium for God, someone who speaks a message which God has given him or her. Usually prophets do not share popular messages because people are usually not living the way God desires.
I had a professor that said "a prophet rarely grows old enough to have grey hairs."
Jesus was telling the Pharisees that their understanding of religion was totally off. They were all about show and not about heart. They completely missed the point. This is the message that made him public enemy number one, that made so many want to crucify him.
But he was speaking the truth. Religion is not about tradition and show, it is about love.
Where are our prophets today?
Do they have a voice?
Do we listen?
Are the occuppying Wall Street?
Are they with the Tea Party?
Or are they silent, painting on the subway walls? Afraid to come out in public because of what happened to Jesus, Dr. King and everyone in between.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Matthew 22
Jesus said "So give back to Caesar what is caesar's,
and give to God what is God's."

and give to God what is God's."

Money, money, money...
2,000 years ago money was a sign of dominion. When a king conquered a new land, the king's money became the only money that was good. The person that you were ruled by was the same smiling face on all of your coins.
God did not create money, human beings did. In God's economy there was no need for money, everyone had what they needed. But human's felt a need for money so that they could barter, and then money started to become more than just something to barter with but something to save and collect.
I am reminded of one of my favorite cartoons, Ducktales. Uncle Scrooge McDuck is a character that has a building where he stores all of his gold coins, he loved his coins and he loved to swim in his coins... Growing up I always wanted to swim in a million dollars worth of quarters, but I realized that quarters are solid and it would hurt to jump into a pile of them.
Today our money no longer belongs to a king but to a nation. We have pictures of great men on our money and in small words we write "In God We Trust." But money is neither about America or God... Money itself has become king. Whoever has the most money has the most power. And it is in money that we as a nation really trust.
God is not really interested in all that... God is interested in what God created, you and I. God wants our hearts, not our wallets. God wants us to be in a loving relationship with us, and will do anything to make it happen, even send His only begotten Son.
As we grow in relationship with God our priorities change; the way we treat money, the way treat each other, and the way we treat the earth.
Change us Lord. Amen.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Matthew 21
Verse 19: Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, "May you never bear fruit again!" Immediately the tree withered.
What did the fig tree ever do to Jesus?This is a weird story. Jesus never performs a miracle for his own sake. He doesn't turn stone to bread when he is hungry and he doesn't save himself from the cross... so why does he curse the fig tree? It doesn't make sense.This must be a parable which is lived out.
From a distance Jesus can see leaves on the tree, but when he gets to the tree there is no fruit. Because there is no fruit, because the tree is not what it appeared to be (leaves no fruit) Jesus curses the tree.
In Matthew 7 Jesus says that "by their fruit you will recognize them."Those Jesus came to save appear to be holy, they are a tree with leaves, but in reality they are more concerned with their power and status than they are with what God is doing, they bear no fruit.
They were so blinded by their own selfish desires that they could not see God standing in front of them... that is their curse. Instead, they treat Jesus like an enemy and nail him to a tree.
As Christians, the most inportant thing we can do is be who we say we are. Ghandi once said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
What good is having a Jesus fish on the back of your car if you cut people and give them the finger? What good is reading the bible if you ignore what it says? What good is a tree without fruit?
Lord, help us to bear fruit, help us to be the people you have called us to be. Amen.
What did the fig tree ever do to Jesus?This is a weird story. Jesus never performs a miracle for his own sake. He doesn't turn stone to bread when he is hungry and he doesn't save himself from the cross... so why does he curse the fig tree? It doesn't make sense.This must be a parable which is lived out.
From a distance Jesus can see leaves on the tree, but when he gets to the tree there is no fruit. Because there is no fruit, because the tree is not what it appeared to be (leaves no fruit) Jesus curses the tree.
In Matthew 7 Jesus says that "by their fruit you will recognize them."Those Jesus came to save appear to be holy, they are a tree with leaves, but in reality they are more concerned with their power and status than they are with what God is doing, they bear no fruit.
They were so blinded by their own selfish desires that they could not see God standing in front of them... that is their curse. Instead, they treat Jesus like an enemy and nail him to a tree.
As Christians, the most inportant thing we can do is be who we say we are. Ghandi once said, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, your Christians are so unlike your Christ."
What good is having a Jesus fish on the back of your car if you cut people and give them the finger? What good is reading the bible if you ignore what it says? What good is a tree without fruit?
Lord, help us to bear fruit, help us to be the people you have called us to be. Amen.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Matthew 20
Verses 30-31: Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted. "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us." The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!"
These two men need Jesus, so they call out for him, and the they are told to by the crowd to be quiet. They are told by the people who are following Jesus to shut up. The text says that they weren't just told to be quiet, but they were rebuked... They were talked down to. The crowd literally told them that Jesus doesn't care about you, Jesus doesn't have time for you, so shut up and deal with your life.
What does Jesus do? Verse 34: Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.
Apparently Jesus' followers had know idea what Jesus cares about or what Jesus had time for. I wonder if we have any clue today... Do we rebuke people? Do we tell people to be quiet because "Jesus doesn't care about you"?
What if Jerry Sandusky, the guy from Penn State that allegedly molested a number of children was sitting on a curb while we were walking by with Jesus, and he called out to Jesus for mercy? What would you do if you heard him first? I would have to fight the urge to kick him.
(In no way am I saying that blind people are in the same boat as molestors, but 2,000 years ago people really believed that blindness and other handicaps were the result of sin)
Jesus cares about more people than we can imgine; Jesus has time for the people that we ignore.
I hope that when the two men joined the crowd that they didn't do like the others. I hope that their personal experience with Jesus helped them transform the crowd to more graceful.
I hope that our personal experience with Jesus helps us to be more graceful.
These two men need Jesus, so they call out for him, and the they are told to by the crowd to be quiet. They are told by the people who are following Jesus to shut up. The text says that they weren't just told to be quiet, but they were rebuked... They were talked down to. The crowd literally told them that Jesus doesn't care about you, Jesus doesn't have time for you, so shut up and deal with your life.
What does Jesus do? Verse 34: Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.
Apparently Jesus' followers had know idea what Jesus cares about or what Jesus had time for. I wonder if we have any clue today... Do we rebuke people? Do we tell people to be quiet because "Jesus doesn't care about you"?
What if Jerry Sandusky, the guy from Penn State that allegedly molested a number of children was sitting on a curb while we were walking by with Jesus, and he called out to Jesus for mercy? What would you do if you heard him first? I would have to fight the urge to kick him.
(In no way am I saying that blind people are in the same boat as molestors, but 2,000 years ago people really believed that blindness and other handicaps were the result of sin)
Jesus cares about more people than we can imgine; Jesus has time for the people that we ignore.
I hope that when the two men joined the crowd that they didn't do like the others. I hope that their personal experience with Jesus helped them transform the crowd to more graceful.
I hope that our personal experience with Jesus helps us to be more graceful.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Matthew 19
Verse 14: Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
We were talking about this exact verse in bible study on Tuesday night. I think many people take this verse to mean that we should just accept what we are told and believe it as truth, because kids can be gullible and manipulated.
I don't think that's it at all. The thing about kids is that they are always asking questions. They are always asking why. They want to figure things out... the world is new and exciting to them, they have a sense of wonder because they don't have it all figured out.
We should never stop asking questions. We should never stop struggling with our faith, because we will never figure it out.
And that's a good thing, because it leaves room for wonder in our lives.
We were talking about this exact verse in bible study on Tuesday night. I think many people take this verse to mean that we should just accept what we are told and believe it as truth, because kids can be gullible and manipulated.
I don't think that's it at all. The thing about kids is that they are always asking questions. They are always asking why. They want to figure things out... the world is new and exciting to them, they have a sense of wonder because they don't have it all figured out.
We should never stop asking questions. We should never stop struggling with our faith, because we will never figure it out.
And that's a good thing, because it leaves room for wonder in our lives.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Matthew 18
I decided to start reading from the Message today. Maybe because my legs are sore and it's the closest bible to me right now. Either way, I'm glad I did.
***Sidenote: For those of that haven't heard of the Message, it is not a literal translation but a paraphrase. It takes the words of the bible and paraphrases them in to words that we would use today. Snobby bible scholars are offended at its existence, I don't use it very often because my other bible has notes, underlines and highlights in it. Maybe today is the day I make the switch. If you are a snobby bible scholar, then I am sorry but my other bible is like 15 feet away and I met with a personal trainer yesterday and my legs are beyond sore.***End sidnote.
In other translations Jesus talks about binding and loosing, but in the Message Jesus says "A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven." That's pretty scary... It means that we have the power to make judgments for Jesus. Well, it's not intended for us to think that we can make those decisions individually, but the church can make those decisions.
So what happens when two different churches say completely opposite things? One church says divorce is ok, but other churches say it's not. Churches disagree on so much, so what does heaven say? What does Jesus say?
Honestly? I hope Jesus took these words back. I hope that at some point he said, "Remember what I said about your ability to make judgments, well I didn't really mean it. I had too much wine that day. I will handle the judging."
If Christians spent as much telling people about Jesus' love as we do arguing with each other then our world could be a great place to live.
As long as everyone was a Lutheran.
***Sidenote: For those of that haven't heard of the Message, it is not a literal translation but a paraphrase. It takes the words of the bible and paraphrases them in to words that we would use today. Snobby bible scholars are offended at its existence, I don't use it very often because my other bible has notes, underlines and highlights in it. Maybe today is the day I make the switch. If you are a snobby bible scholar, then I am sorry but my other bible is like 15 feet away and I met with a personal trainer yesterday and my legs are beyond sore.***End sidnote.
In other translations Jesus talks about binding and loosing, but in the Message Jesus says "A yes on earth is yes in heaven; a no on earth is no in heaven." That's pretty scary... It means that we have the power to make judgments for Jesus. Well, it's not intended for us to think that we can make those decisions individually, but the church can make those decisions.
So what happens when two different churches say completely opposite things? One church says divorce is ok, but other churches say it's not. Churches disagree on so much, so what does heaven say? What does Jesus say?
Honestly? I hope Jesus took these words back. I hope that at some point he said, "Remember what I said about your ability to make judgments, well I didn't really mean it. I had too much wine that day. I will handle the judging."
If Christians spent as much telling people about Jesus' love as we do arguing with each other then our world could be a great place to live.
As long as everyone was a Lutheran.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Matthew 17
Verses 25 - 26 "What do you think Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes - from their children or from others?" Jesus asked. "From others." Peter answered. "Then the children are exempt," Jesus said.
It is good to be the child of a king. It means a life of privilege, wealth and honor, a life of security and entitlement. Kings and politicians don't send their kids to war, they send their kids to Ivy League schools. They send the poor kids to fight their battles.
God has battles too. God's greatest battles were against sin, death and the devil. God realized the only way to win these battles was to send his son... the King sent his son, to die for you and me.
Was Jesus happy to do it? No. But sometimes love makes us do things we don't want to.
Jesus died because he loves you and me. He doesn't love us out of obligation, but because he honestly believes each and every one of us is special, each and every one of us is worthy of love just the way we are.
As children of God, the King, we can live with the security and honor that comes with the promises of God; forgiveness and everlasting life.
It is good to be a child of the King.
(This text made me think of this song, enjoy!)
It is good to be the child of a king. It means a life of privilege, wealth and honor, a life of security and entitlement. Kings and politicians don't send their kids to war, they send their kids to Ivy League schools. They send the poor kids to fight their battles.
God has battles too. God's greatest battles were against sin, death and the devil. God realized the only way to win these battles was to send his son... the King sent his son, to die for you and me.
Was Jesus happy to do it? No. But sometimes love makes us do things we don't want to.
Jesus died because he loves you and me. He doesn't love us out of obligation, but because he honestly believes each and every one of us is special, each and every one of us is worthy of love just the way we are.
As children of God, the King, we can live with the security and honor that comes with the promises of God; forgiveness and everlasting life.
It is good to be a child of the King.
(This text made me think of this song, enjoy!)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Matthew 16
A couple years ago I preached a youth gathering. The theme for the weekend was choices. I had a hard time finding the right bible text to use for the message and started to get frustrated. My bible fell to the ground and opened to Matthew 16... No lie!
In verse 15 Jesus asks Peter "Who do you say I am?" As I read and re-read I realized that this was the most important choice any person will ever make. Who do you say Jesus is?
We make a lot of choices everyday. For example, we have to decide what to wear and what to eat. How long do you spend every day deciding what you are going to wear? How long do you discuss with your spouse what's for dinner, or where you will go to eat? We put time into these decisions.
How much time have you put into deciding who Jesus is?
Is he a great teacher? Is he a prophet? Was he just some weirdo? Or is he the Son of God, the Messiah?
Take your time before you answer. It's an important question.
I will caution you, if you believe Jesus is the Son of God, don't so what Peter did. Peter gets the answer right in verse 16 and Jesus praises him for it. Then in verse 22 he rebukes Jesus for predicting his death. Jesus responds with "Get behind me Satan."
If you believe Jesus is the Son of God, don't tell him what to do.
God knows better than us.
In verse 15 Jesus asks Peter "Who do you say I am?" As I read and re-read I realized that this was the most important choice any person will ever make. Who do you say Jesus is?
We make a lot of choices everyday. For example, we have to decide what to wear and what to eat. How long do you spend every day deciding what you are going to wear? How long do you discuss with your spouse what's for dinner, or where you will go to eat? We put time into these decisions.
How much time have you put into deciding who Jesus is?
Is he a great teacher? Is he a prophet? Was he just some weirdo? Or is he the Son of God, the Messiah?
Take your time before you answer. It's an important question.
I will caution you, if you believe Jesus is the Son of God, don't so what Peter did. Peter gets the answer right in verse 16 and Jesus praises him for it. Then in verse 22 he rebukes Jesus for predicting his death. Jesus responds with "Get behind me Satan."
If you believe Jesus is the Son of God, don't tell him what to do.
God knows better than us.
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