***Proverbs 25***
Verse 20 "Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on a wound, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart. "
It has been a rough couple of weeks. So much bad news, so much pain and suffering.
A 22-year old friend of my family was killed in a car crash last week. A friend and his wife lost their baby. Another friend's wife ran away. So many people I know are struggling with illness. Tornadoes ripped through downtown areas killing hundreds and leaving thousands homeless.
Lots of people are hurting, but people are always hurting. What do you say to people who are hurting? What can you possibly say to make them feel better?
"It's God's will."
"God won't give you more than you can handle."
"I know how you feel."
"It's time to move on."
Truth is, none of these things should be said ever again. We don't know God's will and shouldn't pretend to. If we believe that pain comes from God, then He does give us more than we can handle sometimes, that's why we live in community. You don't know how they feel, you may have been through something like this before, but you don't know how they feel... let them own the fact that we have no idea how much they are hurting. No one can ever tell someone else to move on, everyone heals at different speeds.
While these words are often spoken with the purest and best of intentions... they are like taking a coat from someone on a cold day. They only make things worse.
So what do we say?
Nothing at all. We just bring food, listen and hug. And if they don't feel like talking, we sit with them... but we don't say anything.
In those moments people do not remember what you said, (unless you say something dumb) they remember that you were there.
We can't solve each others problems, but we can journey through them together.